Client Reviews

Jennifer Evans – ZenJen

I was feeling really stuck and overwhelmed in my healing business.

With Jen’s loving assistance, I have gained clarity and focus with a clear direction for my business and how to market it.
She has helped me change the way I approach things and given me effective tools and techniques to release the overwhelm, and stay in my zone creating the confidence and courage to take inspired actions.
Our sessions are creative, practical and fun…

The playfulness element has been totally freeing, and as such I feel relaxed, energised, and inspired in my business
Jen has helped shift my mindset and given me the framework and strategies to PLAY with my business…

Having a huge positive impact on moving my business forward.
Thank you Jen, with all my heart, I am so thankful that I have you in my life.”

Suzanne Jenkins Cheshire UK

Jen has completely transformed my life, in my relationships, my career, and within myself.

Prior to seeing Jen, I consistently second-guessed myself, lacking self-confidence, always seeking others’ approval, especially my parents, constantly worrying about what others thought, and never feeling good enough.

I experienced high levels of anxiety daily.

Jen helped me tune and trust my intuition, boosted my confidence, and set healthy boundaries.

I live free of anxiety, am able to express my feeling with my partner, and no longer get taken out by other people’s actions or behaviours.

Liv Goodman, Hampshire, UK

Through Jenny’s expert coaching, I have learned how to fight off my demons. I have become a much calmer, more grounded, and stronger person.

I no longer feel depressed or suffer from anxiety.

Jenny has given me the tools to flourish in life, to question it, to embrace it, to see it in a much clearer way. I have learned to love myself.

Jenny has been a gift to my life, and I will be forever grateful to her.

Gayle Batterbury Hampshire UK

Jenny embodies power and magic that are dedicated in service to you.

Through creative and beautiful experiences, she uplifts your heart, inspires your mind, and soothes your soul.

Chritine Powers, New York, USA

Having tried a variety of counselling services over the years, I found them less than helpful and ended up feeling frustrated.

Within two weeks of working with Jen, I felt more relaxed and calmer. I grew in confidence, lost the anxiety and the fear of trying something new.

Jenny has helped me to fulfil my dream of changing career and finding a truly meaningful and fulfilling career for myself.

​I love my life, I feel happy and full of energy and balanced. 

Emma Bagnall Hampshire UK

So very grateful to Jen, for the safe, supportive and caring service she provided me within a time of such need!

Her skills as a life coach offer such wisdom and guidance as well as sharing her in depth knowledge learned from her own journey and inner work.​

With Zen Jens’ guidance I have gained an understanding and know-how of what I need to do to support myself to regain balance and alignment in life…

Lisa White, Oxfordshire, UK

Jenny is an absolute genius at what she does. ​So blessed by the work she has done with me. Brilliant at bringing people back to their hearts!

Jennifer Hough Ashvielle NC, USA

When I started working with Jenny, I was feeling disempowered in my marriage, struggling with forming healthy boundaries and lacking confidence to go into business for myself.

She has enabled me to regain my power and find my voice to speak with integrity…

She has given me fantastic tools, insight to support my transformation, releasing the anxiety and overwhelm, boost my confidence and gain clarity about what I truly want and how to achieve it…

Jen has been amazing and has helped me to make the most incredible changes in my life, including helping me find the courage to do whats best for me my marriage , and create a successful and fulfilling business of my own.

​Thank you, Jenny, for everything, you are such a gift and a blessing.

Anna McCoubrey Surrey UK

Before I started seeing Jenny, I was suffering from low moods, feeling anxious… I was very stressed and frustrated with my job and could not find a positive outlook on the situation…

I have learned how to set boundaries and to release blocks and negative patterns which caused me upset and anger/frustration by using the simple techniques and guidance and support from Jen.

 I was able to find a more fulfilling job, which I love allowing me to spend more time with my family. 

I now have much more confidence in myself, feel happier, creating a more relaxed and fun happy environment at home.  Living a more fulfilling life.

Jody May Ware, Hampshire, UK

Before I met Jenny, I suffered heavily from a cloudy mind, anxiety and low self-confidence. She gave me great, quick and easy tools to allow calmness back into my life, changed my perspective with her insightful guidance and used her open and caring nature to coax me out of my protective layers.

​Jenny has a way of allowing you to figure it out for yourself, almost leading you to answer your own fears and doubts which helps you feel empowered and se​lf-aware.​

As a result of seeking Jenny’s support, I am now anxiety free, feeling more open to life and am motivated to create a successful business…

Rachael Hampshire, UK

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+44 7796 252155


Mon – Fri: 10am – 7pm GMT

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Explore What You Truly Want & Gain Clarity

Discover the Hidden Blocks which Keep You Stuck

Experience Powerful Guidance and Activation to Transform Old Patterns    

Explore Your Next Steps –  whether that’s with me or not