
Ignite Your Journey with Expert Coaching and Profound Guidance

Rapidly relieve anxiety, stress and feeling overwhelmed; break free of anxiety permanently, and recover from burnout for high achieving women.

So you can flourish in life with balance, freedom and joy. Living a life you Love.

Welcome to a journey where flourishing in both life and business is not just a dream—it’s within your reach.

I’m Jennifer Evans, an accredited expert transformation life coach and awakening guide for women, dedicated to helping women step into a life of balance, freedom and joy.

Do you feel like you’re constantly running on empty, and stressed out, juggling work, family, and personal life, only to end each day exhausted, unfulfilled, and unsure of where you’re headed? You’re not alone—and you don’t have to keep feeling this way.  I’m here to guide you from overwhelm to a life filled with clarity,self-love  and true fulfilment.

Stuck in the Grips of Anxiety to Breaking Free For Good

Is anxiety derailing your life? Do you feel trapped in the anxiety loop? Experiencing the spinning out-of-control thoughts of worry, self-doubt, fear and dread, with physical symptoms including nausea, dizziness, heart pounding, the sweats and trembling?

You are not losing your mind, nor do you need to  deal with this alone, feel shame or hopeless.

You don’t have to just manage anxiety symptoms, you can break free of anxiety for good. I have a 100% success rate with clients who follow my radical and unique approach to overcoming anxiety.

Download my guide on my home page and find out how.

From Stressed Out and Overwhelmed to Calm and Control

Do you wake up already feeling behind, with a to-do list that never ends? Constantly battling the feeling that no matter how hard you try, it’s never enough? Together, we’ll turn that stress and overwhelm into calm and regain control of yourself and your life. I’ll help you find space in your life—yes, even if you’re the busiest person you know—so you can breathe, recharge, and take on your day with renewed energy.


We look at your time leaks and free up space, work on practical strategies and tools to manage your time effectively. We go beyond the surface to uncover the belief systems that drive the busyness so you can prioritise what truly matters – without the guilt or need to get everything done. So you can create calm and mental clarity and focus on your goals without feeling overwhelmed.

From Self-Doubt to Self-Worth

Ever find yourself questioning whether you’re good enough, experiencing imposter syndrome, whether you really deserve the success, fulfilment and happiness you crave, the love you desire or the financial freedom you want? That voice in your head that tells you you’re falling short, your not good enough, or that you will fail, worry about what others think of you—it’s time to shut down that voice and step into your true worth, your true self.


Together, we’ll identify the root causes, breaking  down the limiting beliefs and barriers that have held you bac. You’ll replace self-doubt with self-belief, and a positive self-image. learning to embrace your worth, own your success, and stop seeking external validation.

From Feeling Stuck and Lost to Finding Fulfillment

Are you stuck in a career or routine that feels like it’s sucking the life out of you,  feeling like there must be more to life but unsure how to find it? That sense of being unfulfilled doesn’t have to be your life, you have choices. Imagine waking up excited about your day, feeling aligned with your purpose, and having the freedom to pursue what truly lights you up.


Through personalised coaching, we’ll explore your passions and purpose. You’ll discover what truly fulfils you and create actionable steps to make that vision your reality.

From Emotional Burnout to Inner Peace

Does it feel like you’re always running on fumes, emotionally drained and spread too thin? Burnout is real, and it’s exhausting—but it doesn’t have to be your normal. You can shift from burnout to inner peace and vitality.


Using practical strategies,  holistic tools and profound techniques, we’ll address the root causes of your burnout. I’ll guide you through a transformational experience which go beyond mindfulness,  to restore your mental, emotional, and physical well-being, helping you build a more sustainable, vibrant life.

Real Solutions for Real Problems

With over a decade of coaching experience and two decades of Energy healing, blending coaching techniques, intuitive guidance, energy work, and more, I’ve helped many women facing similar challenges:


– **Feeling anxious or burnt out**: You’ll learn to release stress and break free of anxiety with practical tools that bring balance back to your life

– **Struggling with confidence**: We’ll rebuild your self-esteem so you can face any challenge with courage and self-belief.

– **Losing direction in life or career**: Together, we’ll find your true calling, and I’ll help you take concrete steps toward making it a reality.

– **Seeking more meaning and purpose**: You’ll reconnect with your deeper desires and design a life that feels authentic, joyful, and fulfilling.

– **Struggling with relationships**: Enhance communication and build deeper connections with your partner, family, friends, and colleagues, leading to more understanding, intimacy, and joy.

– **Taking life too seriously**: Learn to embrace more fun, laughter, and playfulness in your life, bringing lightness and enjoyment to everyday moments.


Bring More Fun and Enjoyment into Your Life

Life doesn’t have to feel so serious and stressful all the time! Together, we’ll focus on bringing more relaxation, fun and laughter, into your daily routine. By shifting your mindset, you’ll start seeing the lighter side of life, appreciating the small joys, and embracing more positive energy.

This approach helps you create more balance and a sense of enjoyment, ensuring you live with more freedom, joy, and fulfilment.

Life Coaching Services & Profound Guidance for Women

I offer online coaching and guidance services for women.

In person coaching and guidance in the form of immersive days in Italy or your preferred location, usually 2 to 5 days.

I offer solo private retreats, in Italy or other tranquil and stunning locations, usually 3 – 7 days.

The immersive days and retreats are a deeply immersive experience which allow you to let go of your daily distractions and be fully present. For ultra raid results. The difference between the immersive days and retreats are with the retreat you will experience different locations and off-site activities which help you embody the teachings. 


Coaching sessions are a minimum of 12 sessions, I have found in my years of experience anything less does not bring you the deep and lasting transformation and results you are looking for. 

Sessions in the first 8 weeks are usually between an hour and 90 minutes, in the last 4 weeks they are usually about 30 minutes, however this is flexible and depends on entirely what you need. 

You also have the option of upgrading to a retreat or immersive days or working with me for longer. 

You have the option of adding top up sessions once you have completed the first 12 weeks, if you feel like you have gone off track or dealing with a challenging situation. 

If you have any questions or you want to discuss your options further book a discovery call with me and I will be happy to help you.


A Potent and Radical Approach – For Irreversible Transformation and Tangible Results

I believe in creating a supportive, trusting and judge free safe place for my clients, with compassion, kindness and no BS. Through my experience coaching women over the last decade I know what is most effective for rapid personal growth.


My coaching and guidance isn’t about sticking on a band aid or cookie-cutter solutions—it’s about deep personal transformation, for  irreversible change that’s unique to you. I use a powerful blend of coaching frameworks, practical strategies, mindfulness techniques, proven neuroscientific tools and profound transformational activations. So you can break through the limiting beliefs, transform anxiety and stress into calm and balance, and recover from burn-out, empowering you to not only navigate life’s challenges, but to flourish through them. 


On a spiritual side I guide you to connect with your Divine Feminine Power, tune into your inner guidance, your intuition and inner wisdom, as well as universal energy. With this holistic, approach we soothe, nurture and nourish your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being,  with truly profound rapid irreversible change and tangible results.


Bringing you back to your heart and soul, your true essence, filled with self-worth, self-love, aligning with a life of true fulfilment, joy and purpose feeling empowered, confident, bold and courageous. A life of Joy and true freedom.


This may sound far fetched or a bit too woo woo to you, however it’s where the magic happens, if you are open and curious,  I promise it will supercharge your transformation, and open a new way of being for you and what’s possible, there is nothing to fear, I’m here to encourage and support you every step of the way towards a Life You Love – who doesn’t want that!!

I see the results from my clients everyday, the breakthroughs they have within a session and the permanent shifts they make in their lives after working with me.

I can assure you, first hand, that transformation is possible. I see it every day with my clients, the breakthroughs they have within a session,  the permanent shifts they make; how they feel about themselves, and life, how they reshape their lives with more ease and flow than they ever thought possible.


Your first step is to experience a discovery session with me to see if this journey resonates with you. Together, we’ll uncover what you want to transform and identify the challenges and blocks standing in your way.


We’ll also explore if we’re a good fit. I’ll assist you to gain clarity and self-belief, helping your see the possibilities available for you.

You’ll receive profound insights and break throughs, so you can step into the life that awaits you!

We are Born To Flourish Why Not You?

Is This You?

If you’re a driven woman who’s:

– Feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or burnt out

– Looking for deeper meaning, purpose, and fulfilment

– Facing a major life transition or at a crossroads

– Struggling to balance your responsibilities with your own needs

– Struggling or seeking to improve your relationships

– Taking life too seriously and want more enjoyment and fun


Then you’re in the right place. I’ve been where you are, and I know how to help you break free from the stress and step into a life that feels lighter, more joyful, and more aligned with who you truly are.

Your Journey to Happiness and Fulfillment Starts Now

Are you feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or just yearning for something more? Imagine living a life filled with purpose, joy, and abundance. It’s not a distant dream—it’s within your reach.

Ready to Transform? Let’s Talk

Schedule your FREE Discovery Session today and let’s explore how personalized coaching and intuitive guidance can help you break through challenges and unlock your higher potentials. Whether you want to reduce stress, find clarity, or create more balance, this is your first step towards a life that lights you up.

Get In Touch

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+44 7796 252155



Mon – Fri: 10am – 7pm GMT