
Ignite your Journey of Flourishing and Thriving with Personalized Coaching and Intuitive Guidance

Welcome to a transformative journey where you can thrive in both business and life. I’m Jennifer, your dedicated guide on this empowering path of self-discovery and growth. With over two decades of experience and a deep commitment to helping women flourish.


If you’re a highly driven woman, and possibly spiritually curious, if you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or burnt out, or lost, you’re in the right place. Or if you are seeking more meaning, purpose and joy and fulfilment.


Whether you’re at a crossroads in life, navigating transitions, or facing challenging times, or just know there is more for you.

I’m here to support you every step of the way.


I offer personalised coaching and intuitive guidance designed to lead you to your desired outcomes, goals, aspirations, and dreams.




From Stress and Struggle to Calm and Balance

Together, we’ll transform stress and struggle into ease and calm. Say goodbye to constant mind chatter and brain fog, and hello to clarity, focus, and direction. Say goodbye to running around like a headless chicken and trying to juggle all your responsibilities. We will create space and carve out time for you, even if you are the busiest person in the world!!

I will guide you, so you can  turn problems, worry and negativity into ideas, solutions, and positivity.  Creating more flow, freedom and ease in your life. 


From Feeling Small and Not Good Enough to The Divine Woman You Are

Embody your true essence, and your divine feminine, the woman who is filled with self-worth, self-love and self-belief, tapping into your limitless possibilities.

Having  grace and compassion for yourself and your journey, letting go of the beliefs  “I don’t deserve, release the trying to prove yourself, and the need to seek validation and love outside of yourself. 

By tapping into your inner guidance, including your intuition, and connecting to who you truly are, it’s where the magic happens, where you can live a life of freedom, joy and fulfilment.

Embrace Joy, Meaning, and Purpose

Let’s shift from feeling stuck, unhappy, and unfulfilled to flying forward with a sense of freedom, inner peace, joy, meaning, and purpose. Imagine living a joyful life, brimming with confidence and self-love, feeling fulfilled, happy, in your relationships, business, and career.

It’s all possible!


Expert Guidance for Transformation

Drawing from my own personal experiences, skills, wisdom, intuition, and a decade of coaching clients, along with decades of teachings from leading experts and mentors, a I provide expert guidance, encouragement, and inspiration tailored to your unique journey.


With kindness and compassion and gently powerful guidance and my proven blend of enjoyable and simple neuroscience-backed techniques, highly practical tools, and energy work, I take a holistic approach, nurturing, soothing, and healing your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being, for lasting transformation, empowering you to navigate life’s challenges with resilience, grace, and strength, and ultimately, flourish.


With a bird’s eye perspective and the ability to tap into my intuition, I shine a light on the true nature of situations, uncovering the blocks and resistance. Helping you gain clarity, and release the obstacles getting in your way, tapping into your True Essence and embodying the truth of who you are, so you can live with a newfound sense of Freedom, Self-love, and deep Joy. Having the confidence and courage to create a life that lights you up from the inside out.


I believe transforming lives should come with compassion, a touch of play, and a whole lot of good juju energy. With a firm belief that we are all born to flourish, and limitless possibilities are within everyone’s reach.



Together, we’ll navigate the various aspects which are relevant to you, of personal growth and transformation, including mental health, mindfulness, emotional intelligence, confidence, self-esteem, relationships, life purpose, happiness, career transition, business success, energy healing, law of attraction, and spirituality.



Lasting Transformation

Burnout to Balance and Vibrancy

Experience renewal and restoration as we transform burnout into balance and vibrancy. Say goodbye to physical and emotional exhaustion and hello to renewed energy, inspiration and focus. Together, we’ll create a healthy work-life balance or explore new directions that bring joy and fulfilment.

Live Free of Anxiety

Break free from the grip of anxiety and reclaim control over your life. Whether you’ve been struggling with anxiety for years or facing it in specific situations, I’ll help you gain a new perspective and release the heaviness of judgment, allowing you to feel lighter, calmer, happier, and back in control.

Boost Self-Confidence, Esteem, Worth, and Love

Step into your power and embrace your worthiness with confidence and self-love. Together, we’ll dissolve negative patterns and self-doubt, paving the way for fulfilling relationships, career success, and a life filled with ease and joy.

Navigate Relationships with Ease and Understanding

Experience deeper, more fulfilling relationships grounded in understanding, compassion, and respect. Whether you’re seeking to improve communication, set healthy boundaries, or navigate heartbreak and break-ups, I’ll empower you to cultivate loving, supportive connections in all areas of your life.


Book Your Discovery Call

Your Journey to Happiness and Fulfilment Starts Here

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards a life filled with purpose, joy, and abundance?

Schedule a discovery call with me today to explore how personalized coaching and intuitive guidance can help you achieve your goals and unlock your true potential.

Use the link to book, or if you prefer, reach out directly to me via WhatsApp or Email to arrange your complimentary Discovery Call.

Where we’ll gain clarity on your current situation, challenges, and desired outcomes. Together, we’ll explore what you truly want, identify hidden blocks, and envision your path to transformation.

I look forward to connecting with you and supporting you on your journey to fulfilment and empowerment. With love, Jen.

How do I know if this will work for me?

I can assure you, first hand, it’s all possible, I see it every day with my clients, transforming their lives with more ease and flow than they thought possible. 

Your first step is to experience a coaching and discovery session with me, to see if this is for you.

Together will discover what you want to transform, or elevate, your challenges and what’s getting in your way.

How open you are to coaching and guidance and if we are a good fit. 

I can help you with the rest, with believing in yourself, and what is possible for you, boosting your confidence and courage.  

Giving your profound insight, and guidance as well as powerful tools and resources all designed to bring your desired outcomes to fruition. 

Get In Touch

What’s App

+44 7796 252155



Mon – Fri: 10am – 7pm GMT